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The International workshop on Edge Intelligence for smart sensing and IoT (EIxS2I) will be held in conjunction with the 23rd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2024) at Bolzano, Italy.
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- 24th June 2023: Website is Online!
Aims & Scope
Networked systems are at the very heart of the digital ecosystem that is having a huge impact on society and industry alike. Networks are evolving from being simply reactive and data-agnostic, into intelligent systems, to address the most demanding applications. This workshop delves into new and optimised machine learning and cooperative strategies, striving for energy and spectrum efficiency in high-density communication scenarios. The applications areas are vast, such as vehicular networks, wireless sensor networks, software define radio, and wireless MAC protocols based on reinforcement learning
From the data quality aspect, the focus will be the study on IoT data streams individually as well as in combination, to tackle the huge amount of IoT data through the most advanced data science and machine learning methods. The workshop will also explore works on complex data generated by man-made systems, i.e., heterogeneous IoT systems (e.g. environmental sensing and smart grid data), actuator networks (e.g. intelligent lighting), and the Web (e.g. social networks and web scraping). The focus areas include edge-based data science, geographical data analysis, and real-time anomaly detection, data fusion, data imputation, data enhancement and compression.
The workshop will discuss artificial intelligence (AI) optimization and its applications in the network, with a focus on edge computing and Internet of Things (IoT) environments. Edge Intelligence leverages localized data processing at the edge of the network, reducing the need for extensive data transmission to central servers and reducings delays in IoT applications. This is cruicial for making real-time decision makign and processing while handling IoT stream. Network AI involves integrating AI techniques within the network infrastructure to enable intelligent data routing, predictive maintenance, and adaptive network management. This approach ensures efficient resource utilization and improved network performance that is required for modren communication scenarios. Multidisciplinary research that combines edge intelligence with other emerging technologies, such as blockchain, cybersecurity, and advanced AI models, is highly welcomed.
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